Barroco y modernidad: De Maravall a Lezama Lima

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Edgardo Dobry


During the '60s and '70s, various lines of discussion around Baroque that had started at the beginning of the 20th century converge. Both in Europe and in America, and from different disciplines -philology, literary essay, rhetoric, history, philosophy, psychoanalysis- Baroque is seen as a starting point of modern culture. In 1975, José Antonio Maravall publishes La cultura del Barroco defined as a historical concept in opposition to the eons theory and constants developed by Eugenio d'Ors. According to Maravall, Baroque links Spain to the dawning of modernity. Some years before, Cuban José Lezama Lima sees Baroque as the bridge that establishes a continuity between Spanish culture and American culture, leading it towards the future. Finally, in the Parisian '70s, Severo Sarduy introduces the concepts of baroque and neobaroque in the intellectual debates of the time. Our approach of the matter stands at the crossroad of these varied perspectives


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Dobry, E. (2008). Barroco y modernidad: De Maravall a Lezama Lima. Orbis Tertius, 14(15). Retrieved from